KITCHEN.TXT describing KITCHEN.POV, both made in September 1995 by Joost Egelie; (only until December 1995) File Cat -------- - KITCHEN.TXT - This File. - KITCHEN.ZIP - Contains total scene file (POV and INC) - KITCHEN.JPG - A rendered scene on 832 x 624 res. Concerning the Autor -------------------- My name is Joost Egelie, age 22. Born in Sittard, Netherlands; moving to Belgium in December 1995. I'm prepresser in a screenprinting-office. Computers are my hobby. I learned about POV on my late Atari Falcon030, via PD-libs. I found it a terrific package; since I'm fooling a bit around with non-commercial UNIX-shells, I liked the structure of the program (building ASCII scene files). One limit: a simple scene on 320x200 res could take up to four days for rendering - I got the 68000 version, not the 68030fpu version. When I crossed platform to PowerMac, I bought a modem. After a one-month hunt for POV-Ray 2.2 PPC, I learned about the competition. So here's my first public scene-file. Until December 1995 I'm contactable at After this date, I don't know which address I'll have. I've got to find a Belgian provider. Info about KITCHEN.POV ---------------------- KITCHEN.POV is my answer to the September topic for the RayTrace Competition: the kitchen counter. I made a complete virtual kitchen - no part is existing. I built it in POV-Ray 2.2, on a Mac (see below). Due to limitations of my developing environment, I had to build a KITCHEN.INC file. My KITCHEN.POV scene file can only carry 32000 chars - it's the limit in the ascii interface on the POV-Ray 2.2 Mac Port. File Explanation ---------------- In the KITCHEN.POV file some objects come from KITCHEN.INC. As explained above, the KITCHEN.POV file can only contain approx 32000 chars. But, since I had only one month, I had no time to clean things up. There even is a melon in the KITCHEN.INC file, but not in the scene. All objects in KITCHEN.INC are stand-alones, oriented on vector <0,0,0> (as middle point, or below-front-left point; should be intuitive). The objects are formed using: -plane -box -sphere -torus -cylinder -cone -disc -CSG with these basic objects Equipment and Software ---------------------- Yes, no UNIX monsters or CRAYs - just a plain Apple Macintosh running 12 MB (24 virtual) and System 7.5.1. However, plain Mac? Performa 6200 with Motorola 603 PowerPC chip (one of the slowest PowerMacs). KITCHEN.POV took up to 16 hours rendering on POV-Ray 2.2 Mac (unofficial PPC-release by Paul Snively - POV-Ray Options in effect: +d03 +ft +mb10 -b8 +a0.300 +j1.000 +r3 -q9 -w832 -h624 -s1 -e624 -k0.000 -mv2.0 -iKITCHEN.POV -oKITCHEN.INC No additional utilities or CAD-contruction programms were used - just purely POV-Ray!!! ------------------------------------------------ Until December 1995 I'm contactable at After this date, I don't know which address I'll have. I've got to find a Belgian provider.